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Ga-Rei-Zero (2008)

category: tv
japan, 24 min.

ZMDB rating: 7/10 (1 votes)

Japan has a secret group operating to fight the forces of magic, called The Supernatural Disaster Prevention Agency. It is designed to investigate and prevent supernatural attack. A young woman becomes involved in their cause. In Episode 2, they deal with some giant ectoplasmic entities, and they have to engage in mass combats withan army of zombies. Can they turn the tide against the zombies.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5
Zombies appear in various episodes

Movie keywords:
horror, anime, tv series
added: november 9th 2017 20:34:12,  last modified: november 9th 2017 20:41:04
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Good Stuff

It's always fun to find surprise zombie movies or episodes, which is what we end up with here. The first supernatural creature had a lot of echoes of Godzilla. The animation was great. I hope we'll be seeing more zombies from this series. I give Red Jack Episode 2 a rating of 7 out of 10.
rated: 7/10 by on
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