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Die-B-Que (2011)

category: short
usa, 55 min.

Directed by:
Jackson Furley

Cassidy Wine ... Moon Beam
Miles Brunswick ... Rick
Todd Swiezeck ... Brody
Moses Lofontaine ... DJ

ZMDB rating: 3/10 (2 votes)

Rick and DJ throw a huge BBQ with all the popular kids being there. A diseased rat shows up and urinates in the barbeque. Almost everyone there eat the infected meat. They all die and then turn into zombies. The ones who didn't eat the barbeque must now fight to survive.

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Rat causes zombie outbreak

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, feature film, parody, homage,
added: december 8th 2011 00:52:25,  last modified: - 0th 0000 00:00:00
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Long Live Warlock

Low Budget Pictures is dead. Long live Warlock Home Video. Low Budget Pictures might be gone, but Die-B-Que is the first film from Chris Seaver's new production company, Warlock Home Video, which is dedicated to producing SOV films that were supposedly made in the 1980s and are only now being released. Thus Die-B-Que is labeled as the 25th Anniversay Edition. This film is a great way to stary. It's truly hilariously bad in a deliberate way. The squirrel is a hand puppet. The van isn't even moving even though they are supposedly driving. The film itself only is 35 minutes long with 22 minutes of intereviews. It's so bad it's good. I give Die-B-Que 6 out of 10.
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