A Welcome Blast From The Past
I remember back in the day when I first started collecting zombie movies and discovered the SOV craze and the gloriously cheap and often inventive movies that were part of that era. I do recall that many of those films did not exactly get good reviews. Yet, with the passage of time, the films have become rather fondly remembered as products of our past. And the SOV movie has come back from the grave as more begin to be made and directors who hadn't been doing much work for awhile now come back and make more SOV movies. HI-8 was made in the aftermath of the success of VHS and other anthologies. And it is a very enjoyable collection. All these SOV directors getting together, both old and new, was just great to see. Many of the shorts are very cheesy. But that works well. Donald Farmer's short was wonderfully over-the-top. Tod Sheet's entry with the radio host was very well done. The make-up was good in almost all of them. I liked the wraparound story as well. HI-8 definitely marked a highlight of the day when I viewed it. And thanks to Wild Eye Releasing for going the extra mile with a VHS release, which perfectly suited this movie. HI-8 merits a rating of 7 out of 10.
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