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Zombie Lust 2 (2003)

category: indie
usa, 71 min.

Directed by:
Carl J. Sukenick

David The Rock Nelson

ZMDB rating: 1/10 (2 votes)

There are more zombies running around again and a guy trying to stop them or some conspiracy or something or other.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5

movie connections:
sequel to: Zombie Lust (2002)
followed by: Zombie Lust 3 (2003)

Movie keywords:
gore, nudity, horror,
added: february 8th 2005 01:30:31,  last modified: may 29th 2007 19:49:26
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The World's Worst Director

Sometimes I really am a glutton for punishment. The first Zombie Lust was truly hideous in every way. Amazingly, the sequel is as bad if not maybe worse than the first one. But one thing I did figure out from watching these two films . . . Carl J. Sukenick must be The World's Worst Director. Simply put, he makes Ed Wood look like Cecil B. DeMille. He makes The Polonia Brothers look like Steven Spielberg. Yes, he's that bad. The static shots in his movies are endless. He just sets up the camera most times and lets the actors walk in front of it and do whatever little they're going to do. The times when the camera actually moves are few and far between, if at all. The plots of these movies are absolutely non-existent. There may be one, but I sure as hell don't know what it may be. The special effects are horrible beyond belief as is the acting. A zombie getting chopped up consists of a paper-mache or clay face getting hacked and then someone pumping blood through a tube. There are endless shots of people doing nothing but sitting there. And, worse of all, you can hear Sukenick actually give directions to the actors from behind the camera. He even asks one guy if he can smoke in his bathroom. I guess he missed the first day of Directing 101 where they tell you to give the actors directions before you start the camera. This film is available via mail if anyone wants to subject themselves to such torture.
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