One of the Worst Ever
Just when I think I've seen the worst zombie movie of all time, along comes another one that gives the previous champion a run for it's money. And boy does this film make an effort to be the worst one of all time. The only reason I'll hesitate to call it the worst is that I actually made it all the way through this one while several of the others have been fast forwarded through very quickly. This movie certainly qualifies as a torturous experience. We should give it to the military to use in getting prisoners to talk. Believe me, it would work. How many ways is this bad? Countless, but I'll focus only on a few of them: 1. There is very little plot to this mess. The closest thing resembling the plot comes in at about the 30 minute mark, and then it's barely mentioned again. Overall, if you are looking for a plot, don't bother with this one. 2. Screen time is wasted by Sukenick incorporating photographs of naked women into the film and leaving them there for stretches of time ranging from seconds to minutes. Most of the women are nice to look at, but it doesn't really add anything to the film. 3. The direction and editing are laughable. The viewer can actually here Sukenick gives his "actors" instructions at the beginning of scenes. Hey, dude, aren't you supposed to wait to turn on the camera until after you've told them what to do. 4. The make-up and special effects are jokes at best. You can tell this stuff was really bargain basement. 5. The acting--BAH!!!!!! 6. Two white guys dancing! Nuff' said. This movie is available via mail from Carl J. Sukenick. Search the internet for one of his ads. But don't blame me if you lose your sanity watching this mess. By the way, there's three sequels to this mess. I shudder to imagine that they might be worse than this one . . .
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