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House on the Hill--The Series (2011) REVIEW GALLERY

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What A Difference--A Reappraisal

Jeff Bodean asked for a second chance for the series so I watched the next four episodes. And boy was there an incredible improvement. House on the Hill is one of those cases where the pilot stinks to high heaven, bu the show finds itself and gets much better in the following episodes. The differences between them are like night and day. The subsequent four episodes are truly hilarious. I loved Bob The Zombie and the NOTLD tribute. It had a hilarious reversal. Vinnie's line about the Grammies was another hysterical one. I love how Vinnie comes across as a star with very little intelligence at times. The Pizza Dudes was another scene that had me laughing my ass off. I'm glad House on the Hill found itself and I will definitely be watching more episodes. I'll take House on the Hill over Tim Burton's abominable "Dark Shadows" at any point in time. I give House on the Hill a rating of 8 out of 10.
rated: 8/10 by on

Another Chance?

Thanks for the reviews, friends! Yes, indeed, the pilot was awful. We're the first to admit that. However, I'm sure you'll notice a huge improvement with episode 2, especially in the zombie quotient. And I think you'll get a rather pleasant tickle when you see the homage to NOTLD at the beginning of the episode. As far as being a "failed" series, we'd have to be picked up first before we can be cancelled. But we have aired both episodes on KTVU in the San Francisco bay area. And we're in talks with a bigger network now. We'll see... In any case, thanks for even watching it and also for not calling us wankers or something terrible like that. --Jeff Bodean
rated: 6/10 by on

Truly Awful

I can see why this project never made it beyond the pilot stage. This show is just terrible and not in a so bad it's good way. It's just plain bad. It wants to be funny, but it's not. That kills it right away. This show doesn't go anywhere. It wants to be Dark Shadows, but doesn't come anywhere close. All the jokes are really forced in here and that damned laughtrack really killed anything. A laughtrack does work sometimes, but not here. I am sure we will be seeing no more of this series. I give House On The Hill a dismal 2 out of 10.
rated: 2/10 by on