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Annoying Orange (2016)

category: short
usa, 5 min.

ZMDB rating: 0/10 (0 votes)

The Annoying Orange is just that--a very annoying orange that can talk. Some episodes feature zombies. In Top 5 Ways To Survive Zombies!, the Annoying Orange goes through various ways to survive a zombie apocalypse. What is the best way to survive? In "Zombie Prank", little Apple has to see the Dentist and is terrified he must zap her. Orange and his friends play a nasty joke by making the Apple think there's a zombie apocalypse underway.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5
Zombies appear in some episodes

Movie keywords:
comedy, short films, online series, fruits
added: june 14th 2018 01:18:15,  last modified: june 14th 2018 01:23:12
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