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Hell Is Upon Us (2016)

category: short
usa, 14 min.

Directed by:
Sean Johnson

Matthew Tuthill
Chryso Tsoumpelis
Adam Dean
Brandon Mayo
Joshua Hostetter

ZMDB rating: 8/10 (1 votes)

A young man and his friend flee from zombies. They take shelter in an empty farmhouse. One of them appears to have been bitten. They argue what to do about the bite. Then the zombies attack. Can they work together given that one might change? Can they survive this disaster? Or will they be doomed?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Surviving in the zombie apocalypse

Movie keywords:
horror, short film, apocalypse, survival
added: june 1st 2018 01:28:12,  last modified: june 1st 2018 01:34:36
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One Hell Of A Good Short

Hell Is Upon Us ends up being a damn good short film. It touches on many classic zombie themes. The actors indeed do an excellent job in the film. The writing and story are also very good as both sides have good points here. The resolution of the story was also very well handled. The make-up was very well done. I give Hell Is Upon Us a rating of 8 out of 10.
rated: 8/10 by on
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