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Soulless (2016)

category: short
usa, 10 min.

Directed by:
Kevin McGee

Jordan Frank ... Grant
Gabriel Fitch ... Chris
Harley Spence ... Junk Yard Zombie
Lacey Marie ... Junk Yard Zombie

ZMDB rating: 7/10 (1 votes)

Two brothers fight to survive in a world full of zombies. They also debate if there may be a greater meaning to these events. One brother happens to be very religious, while the other not as much. He believes these creatures to simply be soulless. How will they carry on in the face of tragedy?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Brothers fight to survive

Movie keywords:
horror, short film, apocalypse, survival
added: april 24th 2018 20:26:12,  last modified: april 24th 2018 20:32:46
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Keeping The Faith

Soulless is a good film that strikes a nice balance between the religious issues and the larger story. It's always nice to see a story where religious questions can be discussed without someone's belief system being rammed down the viewer's throat. The acting is quite good here. The storytelling works well here. I give Soulless a rating of 7 out of 10.
rated: 7/10 by on
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