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Period Piece (2016)

category: short
usa, 12 min.

Directed by:
James McLellan

Jason Wistonowski ... Cowboy
Gwen Roscoe ... Sound Recorder
David Dyck ... Assistant Director
Lyle Morris ... Heisenberg
Onalee Ames

ZMDB rating: 9/10 (1 votes)

A couple is shown together in a series of romantic scenes. Of course, it turns out that it was a movie. But in the real world, the cast and crew hear gunshots in the distance. Why are a lot of them armed? A lone figure appears, slowly moving toward them. Why does the director have a machete? Can they finish this film?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
A zombie is coming

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, short film
added: april 19th 2018 20:19:50,  last modified: april 19th 2018 20:32:04
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A Great Piece, Period!

Period Piece is a great short film. The short has a lot of great twists and turns. I did, however, wonder where the zombies were for awhile. But it was only a matter of time before the dead came shuffling in. The director in here is definitely an asskicker. And she actually has some good storyline reasons for making this movie. The acting was very good, except the deliberately bad sappy movie within the short film. The make-up was fairly good. And how they travelled really did make it a Period Piece indeed. Period Piece is a brilliant short film and merits a rating of 9 out of 10.
rated: 9/10 by on
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