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Hold The Brains, Please (2015)

category: short
usa, 8 min.

Directed by:
Ray Valencia

Giovanni Marzouca ... Frank
Jake Knecht ... Kevin
Brandon Aris ... Runner

ZMDB rating: 7/10 (1 votes)

Two zombies have found their prey, but only one partakes of the food. Why isn't one of them eating? What are they talking about? What unusual effect does a plant have? What secret will be revealed?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Zombies after their dinner

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, short film
added: april 19th 2018 00:20:31,  last modified: april 19th 2018 00:27:08
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A Very Brainy Short

Hold The Brains, Please is a hilarious short film. Sure, the concept that the zombies can talk is silly, but it's still hilarious. The interplay between the zombies is hysterical. The twist at the ending was great as well. I loved the implications of it. Great stuff overall. I give Hold The Brains Please a rating of 7 out of 10.
rated: 7/10 by on
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