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Patient 13: Frostbite (2016)

category: short
denmark, 5 min.

Directed by:
Kenneth Kjeldsen

Kathrine Schmidt ... Mother
Nicolai Rasmussen Davidsen ... Father
Kenneth Kjeldsen ... Thief
Burak Aikan ... Infected

ZMDB rating: 8/10 (1 votes)

A mother and father try to flee the zombie apocalypse with their baby in tow. Can they manage to survive? How will other humans greet them? How will the cold effect them?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Parents try to protect their children

Movie keywords:
horror, short film, survival
added: april 18th 2018 23:53:37,  last modified: april 19th 2018 00:00:04
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Excellent Short

Patient 13: Frostbite in an excellent short film. I had seen an early film with a similar theme, but this short is far better. The short told a fantastic and powerful story. I loved how there was almost no dialogue, but it still communicated the central story very effectively. I give Patient 13: Frostbite a rating of 8 out of 10.
rated: 8/10 by on
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