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Infected (2016)

category: short
usa, 41 min.

Directed by:
August Detering

Kirby McDermott ... Andrew
Patrick McDermott ... Gilbert
Ryan Smith ... Main Infected

ZMDB rating: 7/10 (1 votes)

Three high school students take shelter in a high school in light of a massive zombie outbreak. The infection has spread all over the place. The infected can move very fast. There are some noises in the school. Are there infected in there? Will the three survive the living dead if there are? How did the dead actually get there?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Zombies attack a school

Movie keywords:
horror, short film
added: april 10th 2018 00:06:36,  last modified: april 10th 2018 00:13:22
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Great Student Film

Infected is a very impressive short film. The creation of these young filmmakers is pretty damn impressive. The acting in here is pretty damn good. The camerawork is very well done. It feels professional on most levels. The storyline is well done, as it appropriate to the story being told here. The only drawback was the Main Infected has some pretty light make-up. But still the film was in impressive effort. Infected earns a rating of 7 out of 10.
rated: 7/10 by on
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