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Killer Clowns From Planet Country (2015)

category: short
usa, 10 min.

Directed by:
Gary Bacon
Leslie Brattie
Jen Pruenlna

Scott Hous
Jim Weiss
Kate Eberweik
Otis Einstein

ZMDB rating: 7/10 (1 votes)

”They Kill, They Dance . . . . .“

A man works in a regular job, but things take a truly bizarre turn one night as he is attacked by zombie clowns. These clowns dance, and they dance to country to boot.

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Dancing zombie clowns

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, short film, dancing, country
added: march 28th 2018 23:59:58,  last modified: march 29th 2018 00:05:27
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Hilarious Verson Of Dancing Zombies

Killer Clowns From Planet Country was a hilarious short film that had a great variation on the theme of zombie dancing. The usual cliché would be too have it be to Michael Jackson or something similar. But country music is a new twist. The ending was very good. And the make-up was quite impressive as well. I give Killer Clowns From Planet Country a rating of 7 out of 10.
rated: 7/10 by on
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