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Pathogen (2016)

category: short
usa, 14 min.

Cole Johnson
Ethan Winslett
Riley Bozeman
Eric Pavlix
Braden Miller

ZMDB rating: 7/10 (1 votes)

Two friends get caught up in the zombie apocalypse, trying to find a way to rendezvous with each other. They find many of their friends are dead. There's just bad news all around. Can they make it together?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Fighting to survive

Movie keywords:
horror, survival, short films, online series
added: january 18th 2018 20:12:39,  last modified: january 18th 2018 20:21:20
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Episode 1--Off To A Great Start

The first episode of Pathogen is an impressive one. The make-up was excellent with some very well done blood and gore. The characters are very likeable and get viewers to hope they survive. I will be looking forward to more episodes. I give Episode 1 of Pathogen a rating of 7 out of 10.
rated: 7/10 by on
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