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Zero (2016)

category: short
great britain, 23 min.

Directed by:
Harry Boast

Robyn Osbourne
Chloe Addiscott
Ross Shaddick
Dan Jenkins

Not defined:
Frank Thomas

ZMDB rating: 7/10 (1 votes)

The zombie apocalypse is several years old, but there may be hope as the zombies are starting to starve. Of course, so are the humans. Food has become very scarce. A small group of survivors try to find some sustenance, only to encounter danger from both zombies and humans. How far will people go to survive?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Suriving in world of zombies

Movie keywords:
horror, short film, apocalypse
added: january 18th 2018 00:08:49,  last modified: january 18th 2018 00:16:37
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A Truly Depressing Tale

Zero is a very good short film that is also a very depressing take on the future and nature of humanity. The acting is excellent. The make-up is great as is the blood and gore. The story was extremely well done. Zero is a short on the level of The Walking Dead. I give Zero a rating of 7 out of 10.
rated: 7/10 by on
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