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V.I.R.U.S. (2012)

category: short
great britain, 5 min.

Directed by:
Michael Harrison

Michael Harrison ... Mike
Jake Bentley ... Jake
Doug Findlay ... Steve
Matt Collingwood ... The Arms Dealer

ZMDB rating: 6/10 (1 votes)

The zombie apocalypse has taken place. Three young men take up arms to fight the dead. But they face danger from opponents both dead and human. The villainy of the mysterious Arms Dealer is the worse danger. Can they annihilate the zombies? Will they all survive?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
The zombie infection spreads.

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, short films, online series
added: january 12th 2018 01:01:16,  last modified: january 12th 2018 01:09:52
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Nicely Doen Series

The three young men who form The Three Lancers are a pretty damn talented bunch. The budget for VIRUS isn't exactly huge, but the acting was good. I liked how they put the zombies often so they are backlit by the sun, disguising the lack of elaborate make-up. There was some cheap CGI, which gave me some laughs. I did enjoy the grim storytelling. The growth of these young filmmakers can also be seen in the short film, VIRUS: Aftermath, which picks up the story three years later. I give VIRUS a rating of 6 out of 10.
rated: 6/10 by on
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