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Vicious Minds Project (2016)

akas: The Vicious Minds Project
category: short
usa, 10 min.

Directed by:
Michael Resin

Sylvaine Moret
Jerome Resin
Anthony Dayer
Vincent May

ZMDB rating: 6/10 (1 votes)

Michael, after his best friend betrays him, turns to the supernatural for revenge, calling upon a witch. A number of zombies are summoned. But why is he singing? And is there a price for vengeance?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Zombies for revenge

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, short film, musical
added: november 29th 2017 23:47:57,  last modified: november 29th 2017 23:53:43
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Very Odd Project

The Vicious Minds Project is definitely an odd one. The make-up was quite good. The acting was strong. But the musical numbers in her were an odd fit. Still, Vicious Minds Project was fun to watch and merits a rating of 6 out of 10.
rated: 6/10 by on
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