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Dylan Dog: Il Trillo Del Diavolo (2015)

category: short
italy, 52 min.

Directed by:
Roberto DAntona

Roberto DAntona ... Dylan Dog
Francesco Emulo
Michele Friuli
Barbara De Florio
Ciro De Angelis

ZMDB rating: 6/10 (1 votes)

A young Dylan Dog sees his father killed by demons. He grows up to fight the forces of the supernatural. Dylan faces his greatest challenge yet in the form of the Devil himself along with a female demon. There's a number of monsters here, and a lot of zombies as well. Can this evil be stopped?

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5
Dylan fights zombies and other threats

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, short film, fan film
added: october 5th 2016 23:36:53,  last modified: october 5th 2016 23:46:40
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Impressive Effort

I must say, no pun intended, that I am becoming a big fan of fan films. Dylan Dog is not a huge budget effort like the recent American version and it doesn't have the elaborate set-up of Cemetery Man, but it's still damn well made. The acting was good. I didn't get all the story details since there were no subtitles, but it wasn't difficult to follow. The make-up for the zombies was nicely done. And it was a decent effort. I give Dylan Dog: Il Trillo Del Diavolo a rating of 6 out of 10.
rated: 6/10 by on
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