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Evil Under The Sod (2013)

akas: Pod Drnem Se Skryva Zlo
category: short
czech republic, 14 min.

Directed by:
Albert Loprais

Josef Setek
Simona Zitovska
Ctibor Topolovsky

ZMDB rating: 6/10 (1 votes)

A man wakes up and gets started on the day. Things go badly rather quickly as he sees on the TV that zombies are on the loose. He heads out with a shovel to deal with random walking dead. He sees a hot neighbor in a bikini while he does some yard work with the shovel. But a zombie rises from the grave and causes problems. Can the young woman be saved? Will there be more of them?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Zombies are attacking

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, short film
added: june 16th 2014 19:25:42,  last modified: june 16th 2014 19:30:16
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Fun Short

Evil Under The Sod ends up being a pretty fun short film. It's a zero budget movie, but it's one of the few zmbie films from the Czech Republic. It was pretty easy to follow, even without subtitles. I liked the silliness of it. The make-up was basic, but it still worked given the overall tone of the film. I give Evil Under The Sod a rating of 6 out of 10.
rated: 6/10 by on
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