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Zyklon Zombie (2011)

category: short
belgium, 45 min.

Directed by:
Davy Bonny
Thomas Van Troostenberghe

Peter TJampens
Maite Johghmans
Tijl Van Der Meulen
Maite Demuenynck
Ewout Van Trootsenberghe

ZMDB rating: 6/10 (1 votes)

Back in World War II, the evil Nazis conducted some experiments on reanimating corpses. They then buried the dead. Now, in the present, a Neo-Nazi band has a concert. They wake the zombies. Will any of them survive?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Zombies are on the loose

Movie keywords:
gore, horror, comedy, short film
added: january 17th 2014 19:49:06,  last modified: january 17th 2014 19:54:44
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Amusing Short

Zyklon Zombie turns out to be a pretty amusing short film from Belgium. It was not easy to follow since it was all in another language. But I was still able to get the general idea of what was going on. The zombies looked pretty impressive. I thought the notion of a band of Neo-Nazis was hilarious. Talk about limiting your audience. This film does indeed fit into the so bad, it's good category. I give Zyklon Zombie a rating of 6 out of 10.
rated: 6/10 by on
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