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28 Fiscal Days Later (2011)

category: short
usa, 7 min.

Directed by:
Jim Lopes

Ron Smith ... Ron Smith
Tom Alfano ... Patient Zombie
Darren Kazemi ... Dentist Zombie
Elvis Morales ... Surgeon Zombie / Doctor Zombie

ZMDB rating: 7/10 (1 votes)

A man receives a message that he must be at a meeting or be fired. He wakes up the next morning to find a zombie in his bathroom. Zombies seem to be all over the place. But are the real? Or are they figments of his imagination? Has the zombie apocalypse really taken place?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Is the zombie apocalypse taking place?

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, short film
added: august 2nd 2013 00:44:13,  last modified: august 2nd 2013 00:49:05
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Good Film

28 Fiscal Days Later ends up being a really good short film. I didn't expect much based on the title, but it was rather good. There were a lot of interesting twists and turns in the film. There are some silly moments, such as a very bad swing at a zombie with a crutch. But the film is fun. The make-up was good as well. I give 28 Fiscal Days Later a rating of 7 out of 10.
rated: 7/10 by on
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