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Banishing (2011)

akas: The Banishing, Eosine Banishing
category: short
germany, 6 min.

Gilles Van Schuylenbergh
Sander Buys
David Callebaut
Jovanni Wisnendaele

ZMDB rating: 6/10 (1 votes)

Three guys along minding their own business when suddenly an alien spacecraft shows up. A light shines on the guys who are stuck there. They try to fix the car, and later find the alien ship. The alien turns into a zombie. Will anyone survive?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Zombies and aliens

Movie keywords:
horror, aliens, comedy, short film
added: july 31th 2013 19:17:02,  last modified: july 31th 2013 19:22:35
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Fun Short

The Banishing was a hilariously awful z-grade short. There's bad acting. We've got bad costumes and make-up, such as ping-pong ball eyes for the zombies. Everything is bad here. I loved the film. This may also have been a music video by some group named Eosine. In any case, it was still hilariously bad and garners a rating of 6 out of 10.
rated: 6/10 by on
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