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Die Scheiss Blutigen Zombies (2002)

category: short
germany, 11 min.

Directed by:
Maik Ude

Sebi Sauerlander
Thomas Meier
Maik Dubbert
Frank Mooshage

ZMDB rating: 2/10 (2 votes)

”Trash and Gore Faktor 100%“

Zombies attack legions of people and slaughter many of them in a series of gory encounters.

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Zombies attack everyone.

Movie keywords:
gore, splatter, horror, short film, short,
added: january 20th 2007 00:46:42,  last modified: - 0th 0000 00:00:00
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This is one of the most ridiculous films I've seen in a while. There is no apparent plot. It's just a series of zombie attacks on people (not that there's anything wrong with that). Even some of the zombies, it must be pointed out, overact. I give the film a 3 out of 10.
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