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Zombie 42 (2004)

akas: Carl J. Sukenick's Zombie 42
category: short
usa, 40 min.

Directed by:
Carl J. Sukenick

Carl J. Sukenick
"Mommy" Sukenick

ZMDB rating: 1/10 (2 votes)

The Black Scorpion Terrorists conduct an experiment with zombies until they create Zombie 42. However, it will only live a week, so it must accomplish it's goal of killing Carl J. Sukenick quickly.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5

Movie keywords:
horror, sov, terrorism,
added: august 16th 2006 17:38:55,  last modified: may 30th 2007 00:14:38
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Another Hideous One

Okay, here's a question: What's the point of creating a zombie that will only live for a week? And how can it "live" anyway when it's dead? Ah, those questions will not be answered in this incompetent schlock. Every time I think I've hit the bottom with Sukenick, he comes up with some new ridiculous level of bad filmmaking. In this one, he actually interrupts the flow of the "story" (what little there is of it) to ask viewers to be in his films. He actually has a pitch for actors in the middle of his movie! I can't think of any other film where that would happen. I was howling with laughter. Oh and after this film he has an interview with himself (he just talks to the camera) where he proclaims himself to be a successful filmmaker (if making really bad movies can be considered a success) and says he dreams to work with Dario Argento one day. All I can say about that is, dream on, dude, dream on!
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