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Zombi 1 -- The Nether Horror Collection (1995)

category: short
netherlands, 15 min.

Directed by:
Richard Raaphorst

Rose Klaver
Sylvie Overhaul
Coen Peppelinkhuizen

ZMDB rating: 5/10 (3 votes)

A class is getting a lecture on the walking dead. Even as this is happening, four students who stopped at an isolated house get assaulted by a zombie invasion. They don't fare very well.

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5

Movie keywords:
gore, splatter, horror, gut-munching,
added: january 5th 2005 01:22:28,  last modified: may 30th 2007 00:20:09
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Well Done Short

This short pays homage to Night of the Living Dead and Fulci's Zombi 2. It's pretty well done and shot in glorious black and white. The film clocks in at a brisk 15 minutes and not a moment is wasted in it. The zombies look suitably gruesome and the simple story is wrapped up in the alotted time. This film is part of The Nether Horror Collection, which I have listed it right after the title of the film. In the future, when a short film is part of a larger collection, I will henceforth list the title of the collection after the name of the film.
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