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Planet Dead (2011)

category: movie
usa, 72 min.

Directed by:
Larry Greene

Charles Adames ... Lenox
Giovanni Pauletti ... Krisshaw
Anthony Martino ... Hates
Jeron Thompson ... Henry
Monica Ochoa ... Sarah
Emilie Clay ... Keira

ZMDB rating: 6/10 (1 votes)

A disease breaks out in Chicago, turning people into zombies. But there may be an antidote. Two soldiers get orders to retrieve it. They find themselves linked to a bunch of other survivors. Several are women. An African-American con man is there. They hole up in a restaurant. Can they manage to escape? Can they get along? Will they make it to the helicopter that is coming? Will any of them make it?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
A world full of zombies

Movie keywords:
horror, feature film, apocalypse, science fiction
added: may 3rd 2018 20:36:30,  last modified: may 3rd 2018 20:47:03
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A Planet Full Of Hilarious Badness

Planet Dead took awhile to come out, usually an indication that the movie may not be very good. And that indeed is the case with Planet Dead. It isn't very good at all. The movie, in fact, is truly awful, but it manages to rise to that level of being so bad, it's good. The acting is bad. The effects are awful, especially the truly hideous CGI explosions and fights. The fight scenes are jokes. The storyline varies between nonsensical and incomprehensible. One fight scene at the end is truly a joke. The make-up is almost non-existent. They don't even have any shots of the skyline of Chicago. Seriously, how much would it cost to get those? Still, Plant Dead had me rolling on the floor for it's sheer badness. At long last, this awfulness has hit DVD so everyone can savor it. Planet Dead is fun for all the wrong reasons. I give Planet Dead a rating of 6 out of 10.
rated: 6/10 by on
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