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Ghoul Sex Squad (1991)

akas: Jiangshi Yantan, Gyonsi Yim Tam
category: movie
china, 1991 min.

ZMDB rating: 4/10 (3 votes)

A traveler removes the spells from the heads of five hopping vampire/zombies. The creatures go on a rampage of sexual excapades.

Zombometer rating: 4 / 5

Movie keywords:
nudity, horror, vampire, sex, vampires, hopping vampires, hopping vampire,
added: october 28th 2004 01:51:28,  last modified: january 23th 2007 00:39:28
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You Know What You Get

This is basically a Chinese hard core porno film. In other words, what you see is what you get. Don't expect a whole hell of a lot.
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