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Death Dive (2015)

akas: Le Scaphandrier, Scaphandrier
category: movie
canada, 78 min.

Directed by:
Alain Vezina

Edith Cote-Demerb ... Julie Belley
Alexandre Landry ... Alexandre Nantet
Eric Gagne ... Le Scaphandrier
Luc Pilon ... Lieutenant Carl Laflamme
Charles Davphinais ... Officer Eric Maltais
Pascale Letourneau ... Johanna
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Raymond Bouchard ... dArmand Sauvegeau
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ZMDB rating: 8/10 (1 votes)

”Derober Son Treson Etait Une Erreur“

A ghost ship is found adrift with the crew having been horribly massacred and mutialted by unknown assailants. Julie, a reporter, and Alexandre, who works at a museum, look into the case. They suspect a man who has been collecting maritime artifacts from various shipwrecks. Imediately, Julie gets suspicious of him when he hits on her. All kinds of strange events happen with several more murders. Many are connected to the wreck of the Princess of the North. A legion of zombies will help explain it all in a carnage-filled conclusion.

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Zmbies rise for revenge

Movie keywords:
gore, horror, treasure, feature film, revenge
added: august 14th 2015 19:51:09,  last modified: august 14th 2015 20:02:00
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Slow Burn Mystery Revenge Horror

Death Dive has a lot of homages to classic horror films, ranging from Ghost Story to The Fog (the John Carpenter version not the bastardization remake). The zombies in their old diving suits reminded me of one of the ghosts from the old Scooby Doo shows. Death Dive's plot slowly unfolds. It is as much mystery as it is horror, although the suspect is very obvious, but proving he did something is the challenge. When the zombies showed up, the make-up is awesome. And there's some great blood and gore in here. There's even a time-worn horror cliche that actually works here. The ending is pretty damn cool. Well done all around. I give Death Dive / Le Scaphandrier a rating of 8 out of 10.
rated: 8/10 by on
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