Weird But Fun
Here's another zombie movie that's been on my radar a long time, but I never got to see it. So, thanks to Victor Murzikov and Alex Wesley for putting Zombie Infection on youtube for everyone to see. So is Zombie Infection good? Well, no it's not. This will never give The Walking Dead a run for it's money. But it is a hell of a lot of fun to watch. I believe this movie has a pretty crazy history. I believe that it was once called Tumors and then remade and retitled. But it is still a lot of fun, even though the film does have a strung together feeling at times. There's not a whole lot of logic to the plot. There are several reversals and changes of course during the film. The revelations sometimes don't make much sense.But at least the creators deserve some credit for trying to make it work. The really great thing in here was the make-up and the blood and gore. The make-up was impressive and even unique shall I say. It looked really slimy. The zombies definitely stood out here. Too bad the other parts didn't quite match up. But this film was a lot of fun to watch. I give Zombie Infection a rating of 6 out of 10.
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