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Rise of the Zombie (2013)

category: movie
india, 87 min.

Directed by:
Devaki Singh
Luke Kenny

Luke Kenny ... Neil Parker
Kirti Kulhari ... Vinny Rao
Ashwin Mushban ... Anish Kohli
Benjamin Gilani ... Dr. Dave Parker
Prem Thapa ... Thapa

ZMDB rating: 9/10 (1 votes)

”India's First Zombie Origin Hindi Film“

Neil Parker is a nature photographer. He pays more attention to nature than he does to his own girlfriend, Anish, which does not amuse her or her father. She even threatens to break up with him, which leads, naturally enough, to him going back out into the woods. This time, however, tragedy strikes as he is bitten by something. He slowly begins to change into a zombie. Will he survive? How long can he maintain control? Can he be found in time?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
The origin of the zombie apocalypse

Movie keywords:
gore, horror, feature film, disease, origin
added: december 17th 2013 00:01:50,  last modified: december 17th 2013 00:11:47
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Great Movie

Damn, who would have figured that suddenly India would produce two great zombie movies, one comedy and one, Rise of the Zombies, that is extremely serious and gut-wrenching. There are a few songs in here, but they are put into contexts where they do no disturb any of the action or take away from the story. In fact, they actually are used to communicate the emotions felt by the characters during the time when they are played, such as Anish desperately trying to call the missing Neil. There's no dance numbers except for a stripper ata party. Rise of the Zombie is a very intense movie. The acting is really good. The make-up is well done as well. Of course, the make-up is basically on one guy for most of the movie, but it's still really good. I must also give credit to Luke Kenny. Most of the movie is focused on him and he pulls it off in spectacular fashion. He is the one that has to communicate the pain and horror of his transformation. And he does that exceedingly well. The blood and gore is excellent in here. Okay, there were some minor plot points in here, such as one guy not running when he obviously should have. But, otherwise, this is an excellent movie. I can only hope that the promised sequel, Land of the Zombie, will materialize at some point. I give Rise of the Zombie a ratigng 9 out of 10.
rated: 9/10 by on
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