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Kafir (Singit) (2002)

akas: Kafir (Satanic)
category: movie
indonesia, 82 min.

Directed by:
Mardali Syarief

Meriam Bellina ... Nyi Syariah
Sujiwo Tedjo ... Kuntetdilaga

ZMDB rating: 3/10 (2 votes)

The film begins with a pocong/zombie rolling out of the grave. There's a sick woman who seems to be a threat to the village. There's an evil magic guy who has a moustache and long black hair. He uses a lot of magic. A good priest eventually challenges him. A zombie is summoned up at the end.

Zombometer rating: 1 / 5
Zombie briefly appears

Movie keywords:
horror, ghosts, feature film
added: february 4th 2013 19:48:52,  last modified: february 4th 2013 19:55:34
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Decent Movie

Kafir (Satanic) ends up being a pretty watchable movie. It had some fun moments. But the language barrier once again made it difficult. The effects were pretty good overall. I'm still not sure of what exactly happened. But I did get a good laugh out of the CGI chest explosions. I give Kafir 6 out of 10.
rated: 6/10 by on
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