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Gan Core Kud (2011)

category: movie
thailand, 94 min.

Directed by:

Apisit Eiamopaslikit ... JoeyBoy
Natthawut Srimhok ... Golf Fuking Haro
Wichupan Nakprasom ... Bank BZ
Kittinpong Khamsat ... M. Buddha Bless

ZMDB rating: 4/10 (2 votes)

A group of young men and woman end up on an isolated island. The men are part of a singing group. The women are all hot bikini models. After some fun in the sun, dark clouds gather in the sky. A bunch of zombies charge out and slaughter the women and some of the guys. A few of the young men survive. There is a witch or a magic woman in charge of the zombies. Some demon-like creatures show up, including one guy with red horns and skin. There's a mummified body and a large battle on a rainy beach at the end.

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Rock band vs. zombies

Movie keywords:
gore, horror, comedy, feature film,
added: december 17th 2011 00:14:15,  last modified: - 0th 0000 00:00:00
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Gan Core Kud wasn't a bad zombie film at all. It just was another case where subtitles or dubbing was desperately needed to figure out some aspects of the plot. I wasn't sure who the zombie commanding woman was supposed to be. I also wasn't sure about that mummified body. The women were definitely hot. The ating was good. The make-up was decent. There wasn't an abundance of blood and gore, but it was still reasonable. And for a movie featuring a rock group, there was only a couple of songs during the film and no musical numbers. That could have made it way too cheesy. I give Gan Core Kud 7 out of 10.
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