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Beautiful Dead Body (1987)

akas: Beautiful Dead Bodies, Spooky Kama Sutra
category: movie
taiwan, 90 min.

Directed by:
Xin Ren

Cheryle Chung
Tia-jia Han
Sun Chi Sun

ZMDB rating: 2/10 (3 votes)

In this hardcore hopping vampire/zombie movie, a woman is raped and murdered by an evil wizard. Her corpse is changed into an army of zombies who proceed to get revenge.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5

Movie keywords:
nudity, vampire, feature film, sex, vengeance, vampires, hopping vampires, rape, hopping vampire, rap,
added: august 26th 2004 01:51:00,  last modified: november 29th 2006 19:16:22
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Truly Bizarre

It's hard to know how to react to this one. What do you say about a hardcore porno that features hopping vampires? One thing I can say is that the Chinese music in the background is extremely distracting and really ruins any mood that may be set by the sex. The women look pretty decent, but the vampires look ridiculous. I suppose it achieves its goal, not that it's that difficult to make a porn film.
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