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Buaya Putih (1982)

category: movie
indonesia, 100 min.

Directed by:
Fritz G. Schadt

Yati Octavia
Deddy Soetomo
Dicky Zul Karnen
George Rudy

ZMDB rating: 3/10 (2 votes)

A young girl is pulled down into the depths by a crocodile. A heroic warrior goes in and tries to fight the croc, but doesn't kill the creature. A woman who drops her laundry into the river is eaten by the croc. Later, a mat crawls along and attacks a man. A man with webbed hands gets beheaded in battle. This guy has webbed hands and feets--it's the crocodile in human form. He gets beheaded, which leads their to being a flying crocodile head. But the corpse continues to walk around, making him a headless zombie. Finally, a good priest shows up and sets things right.

Zombometer rating: 1 / 5
Zombie-like Being

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, feature film,
added: may 5th 2010 00:31:35,  last modified: - 0th 0000 00:00:00
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Crazy Movie

This is one hell of a crazy movie. The flying crocodile head was just plain bizarre. And don't even get me started on a mat attacking people. Yes, it is a floor or yoga mat. That was indeed unique. Unfortunately, the movie is also very slow with lots and lots of dialogue. This does make the movie rather dull, but overall it was still pretty fun. I give this film 6 out of 10.
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