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Mantra Shakti (2002)

category: movie
india, 75 min.

Directed by:
Mummy Cenury

Vinay Prasad
Anu Prasad

ZMDB rating: 3/10 (2 votes)

An alarm clock goes off, but the man is slow to get up. He is in the process of wooing a young woman, and he does eventually get married to her. Unfortunately, an evil man assaults and kills her. He also murders her new husband. Of course, it's not long before her ghost comes back for revenge. She torments her killer and his family. A blood hand sticking up out of the ground turns into a cobra. Water from a faucet turns into blood. She appears in a mirror to torment her killer. Finally, she kills him. Then she reanimates his corpse as a zombie to torment the family even further. A good priest finally intervenes and tries to put the spirit to rest.

Zombometer rating: 1 / 5
Zombie briefly appears.

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, feature film, dancing, singing, sin,
added: february 2nd 2010 00:06:44,  last modified: - 0th 0000 00:00:00
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Just Average

This movie is a mixed bag. It does have some funny moments in the so-bad it's good area, but the film in general takes way too long to get to the point. The ghost takes way too long to get revenge. Even at a short 75 minutes, this film took too damn long and felt like it took forever. The scene where the murderer died was a good one, but not enough to warrant recommending it. I give this film 5 out of 10.
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