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Pembalasan Setan Karang Bolong (1989)

category: movie
indonesia, 70 min.

Directed by:
H. Ratno Timoer

Joice Erna
Kiki Fatmala
Rudy Salam
Farida Pasha
Baron Hermanto
Kusno Sudjarwadi
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ZMDB rating: 3/10 (2 votes)

A couple of men rape and murder a young woman. They really torture her and kill her by hanging her from a metal noose. She is buried and rises from the grave as a Sundel Bolong, identified as such by the gaping hole in the back of her flesh. Soon she is seeking vengeance, and she also possesses the ability to change her appearance. She runs over one of them with a car. But soon her quest for vengeance must be stopped before it claims any innocent lives.

Zombometer rating: 4 / 5
Zombie-like Creature

Movie keywords:
horror, feature film, revenge, murder,
added: december 31th 2008 00:12:44,  last modified: - 0th 0000 00:00:00
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Will They Never Learn?

You would think after enough of these movies, men would learn to keep their hands off of women, but not here. They don't seem very bright. They really torture this poor woman. The gore scenes were very well done in here. There was a lot of bloodshed. The acting and directing were both good. The movie did feel short, but that may have been due to a bad VCD. I give this film 6 out of 10.
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