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Girls Rebel Force of Competitive Swimmers (2007)

akas: Attack Girls' Swim Team Versus the Undead, Inglorious Zombie Hunters
category: movie
japan, 78 min.

Directed by:
Koji Kawano

Yuria Hidaka
Sasa Handa
Mizuka Arai
Hiromitsu Kiba
Ayumu Tokito
Kiyo Yoshizawa
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ZMDB rating: 6/10 (4 votes)

At a high school, a group of young ladies practice their swimming. Little do they know that they men who they believe they can trust are up to no good. They inject many of the studetns and one of the teachers with a green chemical that turns them into flesh-eating zombies. Soon chaos breaks out in the school as a bloodbath ensues with the infected slaughtering those who didn't get the injection or are somehow immune. The male teacher/zombie takes three metal rulers and butchers one of his students. Antoher zombie hacks a woman apart with a chainsaw. Later she slashes her way through the uninfected with a samurai sword. A group of young ladies discover that splashing a zombie with pool water can negate the effects of the illness. The young women don their speedo swimsuits, grab their bats and pipes and are ready for battle. But what will happen when the majority of them fall and the burgeoning romance between two of the women is destroyed as one becomes a zombie?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Girl's swim team fights zombies.

Movie keywords:
gore, splatter, nudity, horror, comedy, feature film, sex,
added: september 17th 2008 18:54:56,  last modified: september 16th 2009 17:27:53
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User reviews (1)

Crazy, Fun Movie

This movie is truly a wild ride. There is one crazy event after another in this film. The movie never takes itself too seriously, which is good. After all, it does boil down to girls in swimsuits vs. zombies (not that there's anything wrong with that). The acting is very good and the direction is very strong as well. The make-up for the zombies isn't too elaborate, but that's made up for in many great gore scenes. It also doesn't hurt that there are several sex scenes in here and the actresses are very alluring. This will never be considered a profound movie, but it sure is a lot of fun to watch. I give this film 8 out of 10.
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