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La Senora Muerte (1968)

akas: Miss Death, Mrs. Death
category: movie
mexico, 92 min.

Directed by:
Jaime Salvador

John Carradine
Regina Torne
Elsa Cardenas
Miguel Angel Alvarez

ZMDB rating: 3/10 (2 votes)

John Carradine introduces this tale about a woman who desperately wants to bring her husband back to life. She goes to visit a mad doctor who revives the man very briefly (the zombie opens his eyes and moves around a little), but then an accident hideously scars the woman. The only way she can maintain her beauty and get her husband back is to bring the blood of young women to help his work. The mad doctor's deformed assisstan falls for this woman as well.

Zombometer rating: 1 / 5

Movie keywords:
horror, mad scientist, resurrection,
added: august 3rd 2006 18:32:47,  last modified: march 13th 2007 23:24:36
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A Funny Film

Although this film is supposed to be taken seriously, it proves to be impossible to do. There are just too many ridiculous moments. For example, the laboratory of the mad doctor, played ably by John Carradine, is ludicrously cheap. The lab equipment looks like it's made of boxes, bringing up the question of why any woman, no matter how desperate, would allow this crackpot with his cheap-ass equipment to do anything to her husband, much less herself. Still, that's what makes it entertaining.
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