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Dukun Lintah (1981)

akas: Leech Lizard
category: movie
indonesia, 92 min.

Directed by:
Ackyl Anwary

Hendra Cipta
S. Bono

ZMDB rating: 3/10 (2 votes)

An evil wizard unleashes a legion of worms on an innocent village. These worms can burrow into the skin and take control of the person. Later in the film, the infected people become sex-crazed zombies and then an army to help protect the evil magician from a good wizard.

Zombometer rating: 3 / 5

Movie keywords:
horror, revenge, magic, worms,
added: july 4th 2006 01:14:43,  last modified: december 9th 2006 00:42:28
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Pretty Amusing

Here we go again with another crazed Indonesian film. This one seems to be a take-off on Rabid. And boy is it a crazy ride. Lots of blood, gore, sex and overacting. Lots of really cheap special effects. What else could one ask for?
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