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Night of the Living Bed (1996)

category: movie
usa, 82 min.

Directed by:
Cash Markman

Stephanie Swift
Mike Horner
Racquel Towers
Misha Lynn

ZMDB rating: 3/10 (2 votes)

A couple of men go out to a cemetery where they plan to get some money. However, they instead see a bunch of zombies. It doesn't take long before there is a lot of sex going on with the zombies who are remarkably well preserved.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5

Movie keywords:
nudity, horror, sex,
added: june 29th 2006 01:08:47,  last modified: april 3rd 2007 18:43:51
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Not Too Bad . . .

For a porno movie, this one isn't half bad. It's got what you expect in these kinds of movies. There's not really much else to say about it.
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