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Zombie Lust 4 (2004)

akas: Zombie Ninjas: Zombie Lust 4
category: movie
usa, 80 min.

Directed by:
Carl J. Sukenick

Carl J. Sukenick
Debbie Rochon ... (picture only)
David The Rock Nelson

ZMDB rating: 0/10 (3 votes)

An illegal alien has resurrected some zombie ninjas. They are killing everyone. And it's up to Carl Sukenick and his Department of Defense team to stop them.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5

movie connections:
sequel to: Zombie Lust 3 (2003)
followed by: Zombie Lust 5 (2005)

Movie keywords:
gore, nudity, horror,
added: march 4th 2005 02:01:38,  last modified: may 29th 2007 19:48:29
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Even Worse Longer

I finally got to see the full length version of the film. The plot made a little more sense since he provides some slight details say about 40-45 minutes into it. But longer definitely isn't better. We have a lot of recycled footage here from stuff Sukenick shot in the 80s and early 90s. It ain't much better either.
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