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Attack of the Virgin Mummies (2004)

category: movie
usa, 71 min.

Directed by:
Daryl Carstensen

Nikki Love
Hannah Harper
Ada Mae Johnson
Pamela Christie

ZMDB rating: 3/10 (2 votes)

”Three Sisters, Reincarnated to Stop Evil“

In ancient Egypt, the virgin (yeah right!) daughters of the Pharaoh are raped and killed by a maniac. The maniac is then mummified and buried alive with the curse that he shall live forever. The three daugthers are promised that they will be reincarnated in the future. Of course, the women's mummies are reborn as the same drop dead gorgeous women that they were when they died. And the evil mummy is revived as well and goes on a rampage. Eventually, the three girls meet him in a kung fu battle to the death.

Zombometer rating: 4 / 5
The member of the walking dead here is a mummy, which I'll consider to be zombie-like.

Movie keywords:
mummy, nudity, horror, curse, kung fu, sex, reincarnation,
added: february 15th 2005 01:42:45,  last modified: november 19th 2006 00:30:23
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Utterly Stupid, Idiotic, Yet Entertaining

This movie is really really bad in so many ways. The acting is really horrible beyond all reason. These folks can't act to save their lives in most cases. There are some hilarious moments as people with obvious American accents try to pass themselves off as Egyptians. Or these huge breasted gorgeous women trying to pass themselves off as virgins. Obviously from the title, this is not exactly high brow entertainment. The special effects are a choke. The evil mummy doesn't look too bad, but his attacks are hardly convincing. What carries this movie is quite simply these gorgeous women. They are very easy on the eyes and that's what makes this ridiculous movie bearable. Besides, I can't think of any other movie where there is naked kung fu. Available on DVD from
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