A Hilariously Bad Movie
Here we have a film that presents viewers who want to learn more about it with a number of impossible to answer questions. Five Venoms vs. Wu Tang is most certainly not the original title of this film. But I could not find any information about the original title. The sources I turned to didn't even know definitively its country of origin or the year it of its production. The subtitles in this picture aid viewers very little and should probably be ignored for the most part since half the time they start and end off the screen. Besides, the plot of this movie means absolutely nothing and the subs only prove confusing. Watch this film for the sheer wackiness of it. The opening of the movie has a sequence with the zombies dancing to the Chinese version of the Banana Boat Song. I rarely have laughed so hard than I have when I first saw zombies dancing to Day-O. What a strange and wacky film. Watch it for light entertainment only.
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