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Dr. Jekyll's Dungeon of Death (1982)

category: movie
usa, 90 min.

Directed by:
James Wood

James Mathers
Dawn Carver Kelly
John Kearney
Jake Pearson

ZMDB rating: 2/10 (2 votes)

Dr. Jekyll and his sister are desperately trying to recreate their famous ancestor's formula. Dr. Jekyll wants to control the minds of others, and he does succeed to a degree as he takes desperate people and changes them into robotic zombies who will fight each other at his command. Can anyone stop them?

Zombometer rating: 3 / 5

Movie keywords:
gore, nudity, horror, mad scientist, sex, fighting,
added: december 7th 2004 00:53:47,  last modified: december 12th 2006 00:16:35
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Another Really Bad Movie

Here's another one that fits nicely into that so bad it's good category. The acting in here is utterly hideous. And don't even get me started on Dr. Jekyll's fashion sense. He could give Dolemite a run for his money. The fight scenes are pretty damn effective though--I've got to given them that much at least.
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