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Das Weststadt-Massaker (1994)

akas: Das Weststadt-Massaker Director's Cut of 1-3
category: indie
germany, 94 min.

Directed by:
Andreas Bethmann

Andre Quast
Tanja Luddecke
Andreas Bethmann
Andreas Reisch
Thorsten Bork
Melanie Abendroth-Brandes

ZMDB rating: 6/10 (1 votes)

In a German city, horror strikes as a mad killer with a hedge trimmer murders everyone in sight. He carves them up left and right. How many will he kill? Is there any hope to stop him? Some zombies rise from their graves as well. What will they do?

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5
Zombies appear in movie

Movie keywords:
gore, horror, comedy, feature film
added: december 6th 2016 19:57:00,  last modified: december 6th 2016 20:04:09
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Hilarious Low Budget Insanity

Out of the many of Andreas Bethmann's films, Das Weststadt-Massaker is one of my favorites just for the cheapness of it. The zero budget movie is so ridiculous. Another reason I liked it is that there's not the numerous torture scenes that have come to embody Bethmann's latest works. This film was a lot of fun to watch. I don't know what the zombies were doing there. But who the hell cares? I give Das Weststadt-Massacre a rating of 6 out of 10.
rated: 6/10 by on
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