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Whispers In The Gloom (1998)

category: indie
usa, 90 min.

Directed by:
Todd Sheets

Jolene Durrill ... Angel
Rico Love ... Mack
Abe Dyer ... Dave
Jennifer Geigel ... Nikki
Antwoine Steele ... Durville
Tony Murray ... Billy
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Jackie Jenkins ... Kung Fu Zombie
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ZMDB rating: 6/10 (1 votes)

”There Is No Place To Hide!“
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”They Could Become Your Friends Or Your Family And Now They Want YOu!“
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A small town in Kansas comes under siege as the US government collaborates with aliens to try to take over human bodies. Things go out of control. Angel hosts a radio show about strange events. She teams up with a movie action hero, a friend, and some government agents to fight the aliens. There are also zombies that the aliens control. Will the aliens and the zombies be stopped?

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5
Zombies are part of an alien invasion

Movie keywords:
horror, aliens, comedy, feature film, invasion
added: november 20th 2014 01:15:47,  last modified: november 20th 2014 01:25:47
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Welcome Back Todd!

Okay, so Whispers isn't a new film from Todd Sheets, but it's one of the ones I just managed to get hold of in recent months thanks to the magic of Facebook and Todd finding some old VHS tapes to sell to the public. It's great to see some of the Todd Sheets movies I hadn't been able to obtain for many years. Whispers In The Gloom turns out to be a lot of fun. It's a b-grade movie through and through. But it's grat fun to watch. The alien effects are very low budget, but that works fine here. The make-up is silly. The acting is cheesy. It was fun to see an obligatory zombie appearance in here. Whispers In The Glooms is a lot of fun to watch. RIP Rico Love. I give Whispers In The Gloom a rating of 6 out of 10.
rated: 6/10 by on
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