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Graveyard Rot (1992)

category: indie
usa, 75 min.

Directed by:
Brad Smith

Sarge ... Fearless Leader
Alien Rock ... Fearless Leader
Oral B. Goode
Spammy Haggard ... Fearless Leader
Dickie Dark ... himself
Denny Deniss ... Sean Kramer
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Cubby ... Wes Kramer
Susie Bartlett ... Jamie Kramer
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ZMDB rating: 6/10 (1 votes)

”You Are About To Experience A Brad Smith Film!“
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”We Want To Party With Satan But We Don't Want To Die!“
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Welcome to the adventures of the idiotic rock band, Fearless Leader. They need to make a hot new music video, so they decide to do so in a graveyard. But they pick a cursed grave as their central performance location. A zombie singer from the 1960s rises from his grave. But does he want to kill them? What about the hot backwater women in here? Will the questionable producer give them a fair deal? Or are they all doomed to die?

Zombometer rating: 5 / 5
Zombies in music video

Movie keywords:
horror, comedy, sov, feature film
added: november 12th 2014 17:11:42,  last modified: november 12th 2014 17:19:54
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Stupid Fun

Graveyard Rot was another one of those films that had been on my radar for a long time, but was almost impossible to get. Well, I finally managed to nail down a copy. It cost a lot to get, but it was worth it. I had a blast watching it. It's one of those movies that's so bad, it's good. The acting was bad. The zombie make-up was hideously bad. But the women were smokin'. The singing and music was also bad. But Graveyard Rot is such a hilarious mess I can't help but give the film a rating of 6 out of 10.
rated: 6/10 by on
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