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Nightmare Asylum (1992)

category: indie
usa, 70 min.

Directed by:
Todd Sheets

Lori Hassle
Matt Lewis
Jenny Admire
Jerry Angell ... Sonnyboy

ZMDB rating: 1/10 (2 votes)

”Where Madness and Insanity Rule!“

The plot, such as it is, involves a girl becoming trapped in an insane asylum full of monsters like demons and zombies. From there on out, it's all gore.Available on the Pendulum Pictures Decrepit Crypt of Nightmares dvd set.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5

Movie keywords:
gore, splatter, horror, mad scientist, comedy, insanity, scientists, demons, mad scientists, demon,
added: october 5th 2004 01:18:59,  last modified: april 2nd 2007 20:19:37
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Worst of the Worst

None of Todd Sheets films are any great shakes. But this one has to be the worse of the worse. This one is truly god awful beyond all reason. It's truly painful to watch. All it really seems to be is people running around, screaming, and lots of blood and gore. There's no plot to speak of. At least his other films, as pathetic as the plots were, they at least had some resemblance of them. Only for really really really diehard zombie fans.
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