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Zombie Gang Bangers (1997)

akas: Zombie Ninja, Zombie Ninja Gangbangers
category: indie
usa, 88 min.

Directed by:
Jeff Centauri

Stephanie Beaton ... Alice Hudson
Jeff Centauri ... Zombie Ninja
Michael Haboush
Ross Marshall ... Dr. Alexander Mondo

ZMDB rating: 1/10 (2 votes)

In this movie, a lot of zombies run around apparently sexually assaulting women. The main character isn't sure if they are real or fantasy.

Zombometer rating: 2 / 5

Movie keywords:
gore, splatter, nudity, horror, sex,
added: september 3rd 2004 01:34:01,  last modified: may 29th 2007 23:55:08
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Definitely Not For All Tastes

This is one of those films that will appeal to a very limited audience. I normally like bad acting and pathetic special effects. But the negative aspects of the film's subject matter overwhelm my enjoyment of the bad movie aspects of it. I didn't particularly enjoy the main subject matter of zombie rapists. In any case, this film is available on DVD.
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